Tivoli, is a small town distanced about 30 km from Rome, often called Tivoli Gardens and compared to the Gardens of Babylon, with terraced gardens decked with 120 fountains . It was the summer resort of the Emperors and Bishops. The Villa Adriana is an example of the former, while Villa D’Este is an example of the latter. These two are now UNESCO World Heritage sites. Villa d’Este , a masterpiece of the Renaissance culture, is famous for fountains constructed on different levels. It was the inspiration of Franz Liszt for his famous musical composition, Giochi d'Acqua. Villa Adriana, the holiday Villa of the Emperor Hadrian, is a blend of Greek, Persian and Egyptian architecture.
Magnificent in ruined splendor, it gives us a vivid idea of life in ancient Roman times…. Thermal Baths, Temples, Palaces, slave quarters and underground passages that connected the entire villa.